I almost forgot to make a post about my anniversary. June 11 was 52 weeks on Estrogen. I must say that I am really happy with the changes but I really want to move up to the next step and talk to my dr about progestin to see if my boobs can get bigger. I am really happy about my skin, especially my face. I am getting away with less makeup now that my pores are almost tiny and my skin is much softer now. The hair is still going really slow but I guess I should stop letting my sister-in-law "trim" it every time I color it. She always takes too much off in some spots and I really REALLY want it to be MUCH longer.
Not much else to talk about but I would like to ask for any advice on the hormones for breast growth. Right now I am still on spiro 100mg a day, finasteride 5mg a day and estrogen at 6mg a day. No other gel or progestin yet so I really would like to know what success others have had with them.
Ok time for bed. Thanks for taking the time to read my babble.
The Widening Gulf
1 week ago